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Book MBV type compass MZ since 1950

EAN: 9783613040281
No.: 200044067
Disponibilità: Ab Lager lieferbar
13,34 *
Einheit: Stk.
Among the most famous two-wheelers from the former GDR are the models of MZ. Andy Schwietzer is one of the numerous fans of two-strokes from the Erzgebirge. In this volume he spans the bow from the post-war RT-125 to the current sporty high-flyers. There is no doubt that this type compass contains all the important information that fans of this brand need to know, as always excellently illustrated and technically detailed.
* tutti prezzi inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. und zzgl. Spese di spedizione.
Book MBV type compass MZ since 1950
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