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Book MBV stay on top the book on motorcycle driving safety the coach for one, on and off

EAN: 9783613035416
No.: 200442419
Disponibilità: Ab Lager lieferbar
22,18 *
Einheit: Stk.
Whoever rides a motorcycle is to blame. The driver is not only sitting outside, but also lives dangerously. Nevertheless, the accident figures have been falling for years. This is probably a merit of the driving training offers, as they are organized by the Motorcycle Action Team for years. However, not everyone takes part, which explains the continuing success of the titles, with each book focusing on a different aspect. This volume gives all normal bikers tips and tricks for the most important situations in the life of a motorcyclist.It is logical that this companion for more safety on the road should not cause boredom.
* tutti prezzi inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. und zzgl. Spese di spedizione.
Book MBV stay on top the book on motorcycle driving safety the coach for one, on and off
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