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Capit Helmet dryer - AUS power grid 240V

Non.: WEV070
Disponibilité: Wird auf Kundenwunsch bestellt
170,00 *
Unité: Stk.
Helmet Dryer is a product designed to effectively solve one of the mosttroublesome problems for riders: dry the helmet. When you are engagedin driving a bike or a car on the track, you sweat with any outsidetemperature. It happens so that in cold seasons, but even when theweather is particularly humid, the sweat of the helmet doesn’t dry easily.With the double function hot/cold air, Helmet Dryer is able to dry theinside of the helmet just in few minutes and without leaving annoyingsmells.
  • ALLE Alle Motorräder (0 ccm)
170,00 *
Unité: Stk.
170,00 *
Unité: Stk.
170,00 *
Unité: Stk.
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21,00 *
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* Tous les prix incluse TVA et hors Frais de port.
Capit Helmet dryer - AUS power grid 240V
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