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QD ECU tuning module - Ducati Streetfighter V4

No.: ADUC058ET01
Availability: In stock
595.00 *
Unit: Stk.

The ECU Reflashing Module allows you to reflash your stock ECU directly form the OBD port. Nothing more easy to do! The ECU-RM has a preloaded map you will choose at the moment you buy it, just connect to the diagnostic plug of the bike and follow the displayed instructions. Few easy and sequential steps will guide you in the programming process. The ECU-RM will immediately read and save into his memory the stock map, so you can come back to stock at any time, then it will load into the stock ECU of your bike the new modified map.
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* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
QD ECU tuning module - Ducati Streetfighter V4
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