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Kellermann indicator BL 2000 black

No.: 422110200
Availability: 1-2 weeks
94.30 *
Unit: Stk.
With the BL 2000 bikers can design the handlebar end of their bike in a new way and have a high performance indicator at the same time. For custom bikes, choppers, café racers and other chrome bikes the BL 2000 is a classy design option. Its tinted ring-shaped glass sits unobtrusively in the black metal housing. Although the indicator mounts discreetly on the motorcycle, when in use it shows its true size and will surprise you with its highly noticeable bright flashing. This is achieved by the use of the very latest development in Kellermann HighPower LED Technology.

ECE-tested for front

- Suitable for 12 volt DC applications
103.80 *
Unit: Stk.
* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
Kellermann indicator BL 2000 black
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