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GILLES TCA chain adjuster, black-dull

GTIN: 4251792713975
No.: 505789204
Availability: 4-8 weeks
152.95 *
Unit: Stk.
  • unique, innovative chain adjuster,
  • available in different precious hard anodized colors,
  • optional lifter and stand bolts to jack up the bike easily
  • optional crash pads to protect axle and swing arm,
  • high-precision chain adjustment by angular transmission, precise positioning by graded-scale, by applying the scale you can compensate serial tolerances,
  • rear wheel position can be read off in ´mm´,
  • easier rear wheel installation,
  • braces the axle against compressive- and tensile load, easy installation.

* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
GILLES TCA chain adjuster,  black-dull
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