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Book MBV the trick with the knee

Número de artículo: 200442441
Disponibilidad: Disponible en almacén
UVP: 24,89 *
13,34 *
Cantidad por referencia: Stk.
Curves are the salt in the soup of every motorcyclist. And a clean line on the asphalt is almost as beautiful as a six in the lottery. However, this curve experience requires a lot of training and skill. Harry Niemann introduces the reader to the secrets of sporty yet safe motorcycling. With expert knowledge and a relaxed style, he describes cornering technique, ideal line and braking maneuvers. But this book also provides sufficient visual stimuli. The graphics in 3D-optics show breathtaking lean angles and thrilling racing scenes, where you can almost hear the rumbling of the engines.
* Todos los precios incluyendo con y sin impuestos Costo de envío.
Book MBV the trick with the knee
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