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Termignoni Silencer slip on titanium with homologation - Ducati 959 Panigale 2016-2019

No.: D16908040ITC
Availability: 1-2 weeks
1,700.51 *
Unit: Stk.

Termignoni introduces the new homologated silencer for Ducati Panigale 959

The exhaust is characterized by the titanium sleeve, rear carbon cap with the exclusive “Force” design.

Apart from it is possible sell the final body de-cat code D16909430IXX, developed to give the best of performance.

In terms of performance with the final body de-cat it offers:

an increase of power ( + 6,27 Hp at 11.000 rpm) and torque (+ 2,76 Nm at 11.000 rpm).



  • DUC Ducati 959 Panigale (959 ccm, 2016 - 2019)
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Termignoni Silencer slip on titanium with homologation - Ducati 959 Panigale 2016-2019
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