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QD Exhaust kit ´ex-box´ series, stainless-steel, with homologation - Ducati 900 Monster from 1998

No.: ADUC0140001
Availability: In stock
1,443.47 *
Unit: Stk.
Ducati Monster 900 – Ex-Box series stainless steel exhaust system

Ex-Box series’ stainless steel exhaust system based on the resonance chamber concept. A lower and closer to the road barycentre allows a stable position during the change of direction. Being located under the front wheel axle, it decreases the tail lift generated by the braking inertia.

  • Fixed catalyst converter
  • European Homologation

  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster (904 ccm, 1993 - 1999)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster (904 ccm, 2000 - 2002)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster Cromo (900 ccm, 1998 - 1999)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster Cromo (904 ccm, 2001 - 2001)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster Dark (904 ccm, 1999 - 1999)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster Dark (904 ccm, 2000 - 2001)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster Metallic (904 ccm, 2000 - 2001)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster S (900 ccm, 1998 - 1999)
  • DUC Ducati 900 Monster S (900 ccm, 2000 - 2001)
* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
QD Exhaust kit ´ex-box´ series, stainless-steel, with homologation - Ducati 900 Monster from 1998
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