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CarbonAttack frame cover glossy, Ducati Panigale V4

No.: 505902662
Availability: In stock
219.00 *
Unit: Stk.

The durable carbon parts from CarbonAttack impress with first-class workmanship, excellent fitting accuracy and a super price-performance ratio.

Replace the original parts with the stylish CarbonAttack parts and give your bike a sporty and individual look.

Further advantages of carbon:

  • Extreme strength and stability
  • Very insensitive to temperature and resistant to corrosion
  • Gives your bike a sporty and individual look
  • High weight saving - resulting in better handling and lower fuel consumption

This is why the use of carbon parts is particularly popular in the racing scene.

  • DUC Ducati 1100 Panigale V4 (1100 ccm, 2018 - 2019)
  • DUC Ducati 1100 Panigale V4 (1103 ccm, 2020 - 2021)
219.00 *
Unit: Stk.
* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
CarbonAttack frame cover glossy, Ducati Panigale V4
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